Proceedings International Conference on Linguistics : “linguistics for humanity”
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Proceedings International Conference on Linguistics : "linguistics for humanity"

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Linguistics is a comprehensive science investigating human language’s complexities and its structure, meaning, and usage in various circumstances. Linguistics is more than just a study of grammatical rules; it investigates a fundamental feature of human existence. Linguistics aims to find universal features all languages share, thereby revealing humans’ fundamental linguistic capacity. The study of sociolinguistics explores the dynamic relationship between language and social contexts. The field of cognitive linguistics investigates the mental processes involved in language usage, specifically how people perceive and communicate thoughts through language. This field bridges the gap between cognition and language. Linguistics has practical applications in addition to academic exploration. Language teaching, translation, and language policy are all examples of applied linguistics. Linguistics, in essence, is a comprehensive study of language as a fundamental part of human intellect, culture, and social interaction. Understanding how humans acquire language, both as children and adults, is a crucial subject. Linguists investigate the cognitive processes, social effects, and environmental variables that influence language development. Linguists study how language reflects and shapes cultural norms, social hierarchies, and identity. Linguistics aims to find universal features all languages share, thereby revealing humans’ fundamental linguistic capacity. Simultaneously, it delves into the world’s tremendous range of languages, each of which is a distinct representation of culture and identity. Linguistics helps to better understand humanity by unlocking the secrets of language.

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